Conclusions on Visa/MasterCard cards are not supported on any cards of banks of these countries:
SDN Sudan
SYR Syria
IRN Iran
AUS Australia
GHA Ghana
JOR Jordan
CUB Cuba
AFG Afghanistan
COD DR Congo
IRQ Iraq
LBY Libya
MMR Myanmar
SOM Somalia
SSD South Sudan
YEM Yemen
CMR Cameroon
GNQ Equatorial Guinea
HTI Haiti
LBN Lebanon
MLI Mali
Nicaragua NIC
NGA Nigeria
PAK Pakistan
PAN Panama
UGA Uganda
VEN Venezuela
ZWE Zimbabwe
GNB Guinea-Bissau
RUS Russia
CAN Canada
Usually, according to the rules of payment systems, 97% of withdrawal payments are instantaneous, but sometimes applications can be processed up to 30-60 minutes.
Withdrawal to some banks may take up to 72 hours.
Sometimes the withdrawal of one application occurs in several transactions.
If you have not received the full amount within an hour, please contact our support service [email protected]